Tennis isn’t just great exercise, but also helps kids develop skills for life on and off the court. Tennis teaches responsibility and sportsmanship from a young age, and enhances mental strength and problem solving skills. Tennis can strengthen a child’s overall health by improving bone strength and density, and a healthy immune system. It’s also a non-contact sport, which makes it one of the safest to play.
Clinic Dates: To Be Announced Soon!
Age Group for this Sport are:
U6 (Grades: EC-4 & K)
U8 (Grades 1st & 2nd)
U10 (Grades 3rd & 4th)
U12 (Grades 5th & 6th)
U14 (Grades 7th & 8th)
Uniforms and Equipment*:
*Shirt, Shorts, Socks, Tennis Shoes and Water bottle (supplied by player)
*Tennis Racquet (if you have a racket, please bring it; otherwise, one will be provided)
PLEASE NOTE: Once registration is completed and closed for this sport, YAP coaches and staff will inform all parents of the practice day(s) for your child's team.